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The Magician's Book Club

Caroline Ravn has started a new magic book club that meets weekly over Zoom! They had their first meeting this morning (it's noon here, but 8pm in Sweden where she's from) and it promises to be a great club, and worth your time!

You can request to join the club by simply emailing Caroline Ravn and expressing interest!

From the Facebook Page FAQs:

What do I need to join? Nothing more than access to Internet and an email account. We’re meeting on zoom and I would love to be able to see and hear you, but that’s totally up to you. Send me an email to to get the link to zoom.

When is it? We meet every Sunday at 7PM CEST. That’s 1PM in New York, and 11am in Calgary (where The Hermit hides out). The first meeting is January 9th, 2022.

How much does it cost? It’s free for everyone to join! If you want to support my work, my PayPal is Pay what you want!

Which book are we starting with? Tarbell Course in Magic Vol 1.

Where can I get the book? Amazon has it, and you can find it from most big magic shops. I know Vanishing Inc. has them, and there’s also a PDF version out there. You’d have to ask Google.

Will the meetings be recorded? Yes. I’ll record every meeting and upload it for everyone to watch on our private Facebook group.

Thank you Caroline!


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